Mighty magician! who on Torneo’s… When sullen tempests wrap the thro… Art wont to sit and catch the glea… That shoots athwart the gloom opaq… And listen to the distant death-sh…
The morning sun’s enchanting rays Now call forth every songster’s pr… Now the lark, with upward flight, Gaily ushers in the light; While wildly warbling from each tr…
Loud rage the winds without.-The… O’er the cold northstar casts her… And Silence, pausing in some snow… Starts as she hears, by fits, the… Where now, shut out from every sti…
Yes, once more that dying strain, Anna, touch thy lute for me; Sweet, when pity’s tones complain, Doubly sweet is melody. While the Virtues thus enweave
What art thou, Mighty One! and wh… Thou broodest on the calm that che… And thou dost bear within thine aw… The rolling thunders and the light… Stern on thy dark-wrought car of c…
Saw’st thou that light? exclaim’d… Through yon dark firs it glanced,… That skirts the woods it for a mom… Again, more light it gleam’d,-or d… Delude mine eyes with shapes of wo…
It is not that my lot is low, That bids this silent tear to flow… It is not grief that bids me moan; It is that I am all alone. In woods and glens I love to roam…
Here would I wish to sleep. This… Which I have long mark’d out to l… Tired out and wearied with the rio… Beneath this yew I would be sepul… It is a lovely spot! The sultry s…
Come, Disappointment, come! Not in thy terrors clad: Come, in thy meekest, saddest guis… Thy chastening rod but terrifies The restless and the bad.
Mary, the moon is sleeping on thy… And on the turf thy lover sad is k… The big tear in his eye.-Mary, aw… From thy dark house arise, and ble… On the pale moonbeam gliding. Sof…
As thus oppressed with many a heav… (Though young yet sorrowful), I t… To the dark woodland, longing much… The form of peace, if chance she s… Deep thought and dismal, verging t…
Lofft, unto thee one tributary son… The simple Muse, admiring, fain w… She longs to lisp thee to the list… And with thy name to bid the woodl… Fain would she blazon all thy virt…
He sunk, the impetuous river roll’… The sullen wave betray’d his dying… And rising sad the rustling sedge… The gale of evening touch’d the co… Nymph of the Trent! why didst tho…
Sweet to the gay of heart is Summ… Sweet the wild music of the laughi… But ah! my soul far other scenes b… Where gloomy storms their sullen s… Is it for me to strike the Idalia…
Oft in sorrow, oft in woe, Onward, Christians, onward go; Fight the fight, maintain the stri… Strengthened with the bread of lif… Let your drooping hearts be glad;