Ye unseen spirits, whose wild melo… At evening rising slow, yet sweetl… Steal on the musing poet’s pensive… As by the wood-spring stretch’d su… When he, who now invokes you, low…
When I sit musing on the chequer’… (A term much darken’d with untimel… My thoughts revert to her, for who… The tear, though half disown’d; an… Pride’s stubborn cheat to my too y…
I. 1. Many there be, who, through the va… With velvet pace, unnoticed, softl… While jarring discord’s inharmonio… Awakes them not to woe.
When marshal’d on the nightly plai… The glittering host bestud the sky… One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner’s wandering eye… Hark! hark! to God the chorus bre…
Once more, O Trent! along thy peb… A pensive invalid, reduced and pal… From the close sick-room newly let… Wooes to his wan-worn cheek the pl… O! to his ear how musical the tale
Mild orb, who floatest through the… A pathless wanderer o’er a lonely… Welcome to me thy soft and pensive… Which oft in childhood my lone tho… Now doubly dear as o’er my silent…
Season of general rest, whose sole… Strikes to the trembling heart a f… But speaks to philosophic souls de… Thee do I hail, as at my casement… My candle waning melancholy by,
Maiden! wrap thy mantle round thee… Cold the rain beats on thy breast: Why should Horror’s voice astound… Death can bid the wretched rest! All under the tree
Thy judgments, Lord, are just; th… The face of pity and of love divin… But mine is guilt-thou must not, c… While heaven is true, and equity i… Yes, oh my God!-such crimes as mi…
Give me a cottage on some Cambria… Where, far from cities, I may spe… And, by the beauties of the scene… May pity man’s pursuits, and shun… While on the rock I mark the brow…
Genius of musings, who, the midnig… Wasting in woods or haunted forest… Dost watch Orion in his arctic to… Thy dark eye fix’d as in some holy… Or when the vollied lightnings cle…
’Tis midnight. On the globe dead… And all is silence-in the hour of… Save when the hollow gust, that sw… In the dark wood roars fearfully a… I wake alone to listen and to weep…
Yet once more, and once more, awak… From silence and neglect-one lofty… Lofty, yet wilder than the winds o… And speaking mysteries more than w… I ask of thee; for I, with hymnin…
Hence to thy darkest shades, dire… Thine icy touch can freeze, Swift as the Polar breeze The proud defying port of human se… Hence to thine Indian cave,
Oh! yonder is the well known spot, My dear, my long lost native home! Oh, welcome is yon little cot, Where I shall rest, no more to ro… Oh! I have travell’d far and wide…