O Lord, another day is flown, And we, a lonely band, Are met once more before thy thron… To bless thy fostering hand. And wilt thou bend a listening ear…
Sweet scented flower! who art wont… On January’s front severe, And o’er the wintry desert drear To waft thy waste perfume! Come, thou shalt form my nosegay n…
Yes, once more that dying strain, Anna, touch thy lute for me; Sweet, when pity’s tones complain, Doubly sweet is melody. While the Virtues thus enweave
O Lord, my God, in mercy turn, In mercy hear a sinner mourn! To thee I call, to thee I cry, O leave me, leave me not to die! I strove against thee, Lord, I kn…
Sublime, emerging from the misty v… Of the horizon dim, thee, Moon, I… As, sweeping o’er the leafless gro… Seems to repeat the year’s funerea… Now Autumn sickens on the languid…
Yes, my stray steps have wander’d,… From thee, and long, heart-soothin… And many a flower, which in the pa… My heart hath register’d, nipp’d b… Of undeserved neglect, hath shrunk…
Fast from the west the fading day-… And ebon Night assumes her solemn… Yet here alone, unheeding time, I… And o’er my friend still pour the… Oh! ’tis not long since, George,…
I. 1. Retired, remote from human noise, An humble Poet dwelt serene; His lot was lowly, yet his joys Were manifold, I ween.
Mild offspring of a dark and sulle… Whose modest form, so delicately f… Was nursed in whirling storms And cradled in the winds; Thee, when young Spring first que…
Yes, it will be over soon.-This s… Of life will vanish from my feveri… And death my wearied spirit will r… From this wild region of unvaried… Yon brook will glide as softly as…
What art thou, Mighty One! and wh… Thou broodest on the calm that che… And thou dost bear within thine aw… The rolling thunders and the light… Stern on thy dark-wrought car of c…
When twilight steals along the gro… And all the bells are ringing roun… One, two, three, four, and five, I at my study window sit, And, wrapp’d in many a musing fit,
Thou base repiner at another’s joy… Whose eye turns green at merit not… Oh, far away from generous Briton… And find on meaner climes a fitter… Away, away, it shall not be,
Lo! o’er the welkin the tempestuou… Successive fly, and the loud-pipin… Rocks the poor sea-boy on the drip… While the pale pilot, o’er the hel… Lists to the changeful storm: and…
Come all ye true hearts, who, Old… Now shoulder the musket, or plough… I will sing you a song of a wonder… Who has ruin’d Jack Pudding, and… Derry down, down, high derry down.