STILL as the holy of holies brea… Within its crystal depths the star… Fire on the altar of the hills at… Burns on the shadowy rim. Moment that holds all moments; whi…
WHAT call may draw thee back aga… Lost dove, what art, what charm ma… The tender touch, the kiss, are va… For thou wert lured away by these. Oh, must we use the iron hand,
THERE’S a cure for sorrow in th… Where the scarlet cressets hang ov… And joyful winds are blowing from… And the heart of the earth is full… Many and many a sunbright maiden s…
FROM the cool and dark-lipped fu… Breathes a dim delight Through the woodland’s purple plum… To the diamond night. Aureoles of joy encircle
I FAIN would leave the tender so… I sang to you of old, Thinking the oft-sung beauty wrong… The magic never told. And touch no more the thoughts, th…
I DID not deem it half so sweet To feel thy gentle hand, As in a dream thy soul to greet Across wide leagues of land. Untouched more near to draw to you
WE are desert leagues apart; Time is misty ages now Since the warmth of heart to heart Chased the shadows from my brow. Oh, I am so old, meseems
OH, if my spirit may foretell Or earlier impart, It is because I always dwell With morning in my heart. I feel the keen embrace of light
I HEARD them in their sadness s… “The earth rebukes the thought of… We are but embers wrapped in clay A little nobler than the sod.” But I have touched the lips of cl…
HE bent above: so still her breat… What air she breathed he could not… Whether in worlds of life or death… So softly ebbed away, away, The life that had been light to hi…
DREAM faces bloom around your fa… Like flowers upon one stem; The heart of many a vanished race Sighs as I look on them. The sun rich face of Egypt glows,
THOSE delicate wanderers, The wind, the star, the cloud, Ever before mine eyes, As to an altar bowed, Light and dew-laden airs
WHAT miracle was it that made th… Seem holy earth, a leaping-place f… I know I strode along grey street… Seeing nowhere a glimmer of the G… My vision baffled amid many dreams…
DARK glowed the vales of amethys… Beneath an opal shroud: The moon bud opened through the mi… Its white-fire leaves of cloud. Through rapt at gaze with eyes of…
AS from our dream we died away Far off I felt the outer things; Your wind-blown tresses round me p… Your bosom’s gentle murmurings. And far away our faces met