I DID not deem it half so sweet To feel thy gentle hand, As in a dream thy soul to greet Across wide leagues of land. Untouched more near to draw to you
WHAT is the love of shadowy lips That know not what they seek or pr… From whom the lure for ever slips And fails their phantom tenderness… The mystery and light of eyes
THE GREY road whereupon we trod… The eve was all one voice that bre… And burning multitudes pour throug… Too swift and hurried in their fli… Twin gates unto that living world,…
WHO is this unseen messenger For ever between me and her, Who brings love’s precious merchan… The golden breath, the dew of sigh… And the wild, gentle thoughts that…
A FRIENDLY mountain I know; As I lie on the green slope there It sets my heart in a glow And closes the door on care. A thought I try to frame—…
IT’S a lonely road through boglan… And a sleeper there lies dreaming… Though the moth-wings of the twili… Yet his sleep is filled with music… There’s a hand is white as silver…
BURNING our hearts out with lon… The daylight passed: Millions and millions together, The stars at last! Purple the woods where the dewdrop…
WHEN the soul sought refuge in t… Overborne by strife and pain beyon… From some secret hollow, whisper s… Came the legend of the soul. Some bright one of old time laid h…
NOW when the spirit in us wakes a… Filled with home yearnings, drowsi… From its deep heart high dreams an… Mixed with the memory of the loved… Clothing the vast with a familiar…
THE WONDER of the world is o’… The magic from the sea is gone: There is no unimagined shore, No islet yet to venture on. The Sacred Hazels’ blooms are s…
THOUGH now thou hast failed and… Though lost for a while be thy hea… For all will be beauty about thee… And lovely the dews for thy chilli… The eyes that had gazed from afar…
I HAVE wept a million tears: Pure and proud one, where are thin… What the gain though all thy years In unbroken beauty shine? All your beauty cannot win
THE MIGHT that shaped itself t… In chaos, here is lulled in breath… Under the long brown ridge in gent… Its fierce old pulses beat. Quiet and sad we go at eve; the fi…
NOT unremembering we pass our exi… One timeless hour in time we caugh… With solemn gaiety the stars dance… The lilac breathed amid the shade… But yet the close enfolding night…
BEARDED with dewy grass the mou… Their blackness high into the stil… Deepening to blue: far up the glim… In silver transience shines the st… Silent the sheep about me; fleece…