LOVE and pity are pleading with… What is this voice that stays me f… Offering beauty, love, and immorta… Æons away in some far-off heavenly… Though I obey thee, Immortal, my…
WE turned back mad from the mysti… All foamed with red and with elfin… Up from the heart of the twilight’… The fires enchanted were starward… We turned back mad: we thought of…
SEE where the light streams over… Starward aspire! The sacred sign upon the holy moun… Shines in white fire: Wavering and flaming yonder o’er t…
THE BLUE dusk ran between the s… It left to-day and yesterday and t… To-day was past and dead for me, f… Through thrice a thousand years to… On temple top and palace roof the…
I WOKE to find my pillow wet With the tears for deeds deep hid… I knew no sorrow here, but yet The tears fell softly through the… Your eyes, your other eyes of drea…
BEARDED with dewy grass the mou… Their blackness high into the stil… Deepening to blue: far up the glim… In silver transience shines the st… Silent the sheep about me; fleece…
YOU remember, dear, together Two children, you and I, Sat once in the autumn weather, Watching the autumn sky. There was some one round us strayi…
HOW I could see through and thro… So unconscious, tender, kind, More than ever was known to you Of the pure ways of your mind. We who long to rest from strife
THE HERO first thought it To him ’twas a deed: To those who retaught it, A chain on their speed. The fire that we kindled,
THIS is the red, red region Your heart must journey through: Your pains will here be legion And joy be death for you. Rejoice to-day: to-morrow
THEY bathed in the fire-flooded… Life girdled them round and about: They slept in the clefts of the mo… The stars called them forth with a… They prayed, but their worship was…
A FRIENDLY mountain I know; As I lie on the green slope there It sets my heart in a glow And closes the door on care. A thought I try to frame—…
WE laid him to rest with tenderne… Homeward we turned in the twilight… We thought in ourselves with dumb… All the story of earth is told. A beautiful word at the last was s…
The soul is its own witness and it… UNTO the deep the deep heart goe… It lays its sadness nigh the breas… Only the Mighty Mother knows The wounds that quiver unconfessed…
A SHAFT of fire that falls like… And melts and maddens all my blood… From out thy spirit flashes throug… The burning-glass of womanhood. Only so far; here must I stay: