Pale amber sunlight falls across The reddening October trees, That hardly sway before a breeze As soft as summer: summer’s loss Seems little, dear! on days like t…
I watched the glory of her childho… Half-sorrowful to find the child… (Loved long ago in lily-time), Become a maid, mysterious and stra… With fair, pure eyes - dear eyes,…
The cherry-coloured velvet of your… Time hath not soiled: its fair emb… Gleam as when centuries ago they s… To what bright gallant of Her Dai… Whose slender fingers, long since…
Mark the day white, on which the… Eugenio and Egeria have a child. On whom abundant grace kind Jove… If she but copy either parent’s pa… Then, Muses! long devoted to her…
All that I had I brought, Little enough I know; A poor rhyme roughly wrought, A rose to match thy snow: All that I had I brought.
Who is this mortal Who ventures to-night To woo an immortal, Cold, cold the moon’s light For sleep at this portal,
Erewhile, before the world was old… When violets grew and celandine, In Cupid’s train we were enrolled… Erewhile! Your little hands were clasped in…
When I am old, And sadly steal apart, Into the dark and cold, Friend of my heart! Remember, if you can,
Last night, ah, yesternight, betwi… There fell thy shadow, Cynara! th… Upon my soul between the kisses an… And I was desolate and sick of an… Yea, I was desolate and bowed my…
(1887-1895) Through the green boughs I hardly… They twined so close: the sun was… And now the sullen trees in sombre… Stand bare beneath the sinister, s…
Tears fall within mine heart, As rain upon the town: Whence does this languor start, Possessing all mine heart? O sweet fall of the rain
Come not before me now, O visiona… Me tempest-tost, and borne along l… Troublous and dark and stormy thou… Not here and now may we commingle… Lest the loud anguish of the water…
Love heeds no more the sighing of… Against the perfect flowers: thy g… Is grown a wilderness, where none… One strayed, last petal of one las… O bright, bright hair! O mouth li…
If we must part, Then let it be like this. Not heart on heart, Nor with the useless anguish of a… But touch mine hand and say:
I took her dainty eyes, as well As silken tendrils of her hair: And so I made a Villanelle! I took her voice, a silver bell, As clear as song, as soft as praye…