A gift of Silence, sweet! Who may not ever hear: To lay down at your unobservant fe… Is all the gift I bear. I have no songs to sing,
WITH HIS SONGS AND HE… Violets and leaves of vine, Into a frail, fair wreath We gather and entwine: A wreath for Love to wear,
Last night, ah, yesternight, betwi… There fell thy shadow, Cynara! th… Upon my soul between the kisses an… And I was desolate and sick of an… Yea, I was desolate and bowed my…
Beyond the pale of memory, In some mysterious dusky grove; A place of shadows utterly, Where never coos the turtle-dove, A world forgotten of the sun:
Beyond the need of weeping, Beyond the reach of hands, May she be quietly sleeping, In what dim nebulous lands? Ah, she who understands!
Let us go hence: the night is now… The day is overworn, the birds all… And we have reaped the crops the g… Despair and death; deep darkness o… Broods like an owl; we cannot unde…
COLLOQUE SENTIMENTAL Into the lonely park all frozen fa… Awhile ago there were two forms wh… Lo, are their lips fallen and thei… Hardly shall a man hear the words…
A little while to walk with thee,… To lean on thee my weak and weary… Then evening comes: the winter sky… The leafless trees are black, the… A little while to hold thee and to…
We have walked in Love’s land a l… We have learnt his lesson a little… And shall we not part at the end o… With a sigh, a smile? A little while in the shine of the…
They sleep well here, These fisher-folk who passed their… In fierce Atlantic ways; And found not there, Beneath the long curled wave,
Ah, Manon, say, why is it we Are one and all so fain of thee? Thy rich red beauty debonnaire In very truth is not more fair, Than the shy grace and purity
Strange grows the river on the sun… The river comforts me, grown spect… Long was the day; at last the cons… _Sufficient for the day are the da… Labour and longing and despair the…
Where river and ocean meet in a gr… Beyond the bar, where on the dunes… Above, one windmill stands forlorn… I will set my sail on a stormy day… That I have sought and never foun…
Cease smiling, Dear! a little whi… Here in the silence, under the wan… Sweet are thine eyes, but how can… Knowing they change so soon? For Love’s sake, Dear, be silent!…