SPLEEN Around were all the roses red, The ivy all around was black. Dear, so thou only move thine head… Shall all mine old despairs awake!
By the pale marge of Acheron, Me thinks we shall pass restfully, Beyond the scope of any sun. There all men hie them one by one, Far from the stress of earth and s…
We have walked in Love’s land a l… We have learnt his lesson a little… And shall we not part at the end o… With a sigh, a smile? A little while in the shine of the…
I seek no more to bridge the gulf… Betwixt our separate ways; For vainly my heart prays, Hope droops her head and dies; I see the sad, tired answer in you…
Sleep on, dear, now The last sleep and the best, And on thy brow, And on thy quiet breast Violets I throw.
(1887-1895) Through the green boughs I hardly… They twined so close: the sun was… And now the sullen trees in sombre… Stand bare beneath the sinister, s…
When this, our rose, is faded, And these, our days, are done, In lands profoundly shaded From tempest and from sun: Ah, once more come together,
A while we wandered (thus it is I… Through a long, sandy track of No… Where only poppies grew among the… The which we, plucking, cast with… And ever sadlier, into the sad str…
Without, the sullen noises of the… The voice of London, inarticulate… Hoarse and blaspheming, surges in… The silent blessing of the Immacu… Dark is the church, and dim the wo…
What land of Silence, Where pale stars shine On apple-blossom And dew-drenched vine, Is yours and mine?
I took her dainty eyes, as well As silken tendrils of her hair: And so I made a Villanelle! I took her voice, a silver bell, As clear as song, as soft as praye…
Beyond the need of weeping, Beyond the reach of hands, May she be quietly sleeping, In what dim nebulous lands? Ah, she who understands!
Calm, sad, secure; behind high con… These watch the sacred lamp, these… And it is one with them when eveni… And one with them the cold return… These heed not time; their nights…
Before my light goes out for ever… graces, I would not reck of length of days… But cry: ‘One day of the great lo… Grant me to see and touch once mor…
A gift of Silence, sweet! Who may not ever hear: To lay down at your unobservant fe… Is all the gift I bear. I have no songs to sing,