Caricamento in corso...

Thankful Heart

Though steeped in sin and sorrowful disgrace,
I kneel before Thy throne with heart of grace.
Though weighed by need and heavy laden fear,
I come to Thee, Thy loving presence near.
In all my weakness, Thou dost welcome me,
And bids my troubled soul from bondage free.
For this, my heart overflows with gratitude,
And sings Thy praise with fervent, eager mood.
Though broken, sorrowful, and stained with sin,
I find in Thee a solace deep within.
Thy love, a balm that heals my every wound,
Thy grace, a haven where my soul is found.
So let me come to Thee with a thankful heart,
And rest secure within Thy loving art.
For Thou art God, my refuge and my stay,
And in Thy presence, darkness turns to day.
Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
