Old Tim drove 600 miles back home to his shed in the woods a month after burying his wife up north in the city where they me… more than 60 years ago.
After the poetry reading the lights go on and a lady under a big hat rises behind dark sunglasses and asks the poet why
Old barber shop in a neighborhood never posh now poor. A single chair with an ancient barber
Some women use perfume and that’s fine. Some don’t and that’s fine too. Over the years
They’re widows, old and gray, bent over a quilting frame, sewing to meet a deadline for the next raffle
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
I will never forget him but I can’t remember his name it’s been so long ago. Maybe I never knew it. But I think of him on days
Linda’s on TV this morning being interviewed by someone who specializes in interviewing unusual people. Linda’s a smart woman but
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
He tries again to situate his gros… nose beneath his spectacles. He twists the silver toothpick in… and hunches now a little more towa… saying “Listen, dear, I’ve said a…
If you write with a quill, ballpoint pen or typewriter, you’re a lucky soul. But if you use a computer and write far better than
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
A gray summer day the sun is on vacation sunflowers hang their heads Donal Mahoney
Dylann Roof defended himself in the sentencing phase of his tri… after he was convicted of killing nine people during a Bible study, the nine people who welcomed him