The widow hires four men to rip out her lovely garden. She’s too old to weed it. All the roses will go to the young bride across
Where will the lovely lady go on her diurnal walk? One child in 30 years she bore, now they do not talk. Supple, firm, her lithe legs are,
Ginny didn’t know if it was a large pond or a small lake in the middle of the beautiful park where she had been hired right after high school to help with maintenance of the grounds. No...
Melanie was waiting for the light… at 12th and Broadway when a large… a big truck and 10 gallon hat roar… right beside her. His truck cab lo… above her old Buick. His stereo b…
Officer Burks brings Max the Bloodhound into the alley and Max immediately strains at his leash.
Beneath the bowling-alley bar marquee the rain tonight hammers off the concrete.
They have a few bucks, the 62 richest billionaires in the… The Big 62 have half as much weal… as the bottom half of the world’s… according to Oxfam International.
The call comes in to the police station. It’s a small town and the voice at the library says “He’s at it again.”
You thought you knew her. She thought she knew you. Neither was true but this happens at times at Happy Hour on Fridays
Steven is a retired teacher disturbed by the problems he sees in education. Schools weren’t perfect when he was teaching but they were better than they are today. He has ideas for impro...
Two men running for office disagree about everything but have one thing in common. They won’t release their tax returns.
A little boy from the city down on the farm for a day wanders away to look at the sheep and finds a bull
I turn the porch light on because it’s dark when I go out to find the morning paper. It’s still dark when I start back but when I’m on the porch I reach
Ringing in the ears has no cure. It’s called tinnitus and you can pronounce it the way it looks or the way
I’m not saying my father hated the English, God forbid. If he were still alive, he’d hate to hear me say that. He’d correct me right away and say he didn’t hate the English. Truth be to...