Can you hear me in the bunker, Le… Sorry to hear ISIS has you in a… But I’m delighted to know you’re… camouflaged in your bunker with an… Now you’re telling me ISIS is th…
Some things can’t be fixed any other way says Bill in his bedroom on the third floor hoping to get some sleep
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
After World War II before television, before women had tattoos before men wore earrings, I was a child in a world
The teacher tells the third grade the order of the seasons cannot be changed. Summer, fall, winter, spring arrive in order, then start over.
Our house has a garret I never went up to until I retire… Now I’m up there almost every day unless I have to stay in bed until another spell passes.
When Bernie wakes at 6 a.m. there’s a piano on his chest and Erroll Garner’s playing “Mist… Sinatra’s on the headboard improvising lyrics
You were gone when I got home at midnight from a double shift. Now you’re back,
On a sunny day in Harvard Yard blonde from Norway weds son of chieftain from Rwanda after
Although we’ll never again be body to body or mind to mind, you and the place and the years are alive every night in the lette… I’ve stored in my room.
Porch light bright all night keeps thieves away but not the moths that dance till dawn
The poor are hungry in America. Their numbers would fill stadiums throughout this prosperous land. And feral cats are running wild, eating songbirds in our yards,
Another day at the zoo and Wally’s new job was to feed the ap… Old Stanley had fed the apes for 40 years and loved the job but told Wally he was retiring.
Many decades ago when I was a kid we always expected rain at 3 p.m. on Good Friday said to be the hour
Some choose not to have children others maybe one or two three seems to be the max now it’s not like when Paul was young and a family might have had six or…