As autumn turns colder there’s only one moth fluttering at midnight around the porch light. He’s the last of the flock
Lamentations loud amid the tears following Orlando. Another call to take guns from people
It took awhile to find Osama. It will take awhile to find the Briton with his knife in the desert of Iraq. They may bring him back
Three are known by name, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, but there are a zillion angels, pure spirits who have no wings like those we draw on Cherubim,
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
Can you hear me in the bunker, Le… Sorry to hear ISIS has you in a… But I’m delighted to know you’re… camouflaged in your bunker with an… Now you’re telling me ISIS is th…
A bright winter day and not a leaf left on this skeleton tree teeming with sparrows
Like that broad in an apricot bra hanging over the sill of her tenement window, the sun is over me now, its nectar laughing and falling.
The scruffy old man and his white poodle on a long red leash were neighborhood icons years ago down at the corner
“Screw the Vernal Equinox” is all Cootie Kelly ever says sitting triumphant with his foaming glass of Guinness on the last stool at Maggie’s
Wally made the long drive home from vacation on Election Day because he wanted to vote. He went for a jog and then to the… and cast his vote for his candidat…
After 50 years Wilma at her class reunion thinks Waldo’s changed with age that he’s nice now, not the snake she wed
Dive under any skirt that floats your way, Amish or otherwise, metaphorically speaking.
It’s one thing to work in an office because your skills say you must. It’s another to want to hang out with