In the paper this morning a woman in the suburbs complained she has to eat too much steak too often because her husband
A gathering of elders from the local rest home is out for a walk after dusk on canes and walkers admiring roses and lilies
Departures from the norm we are. Not just you and me but
Two grackles, black birds shiny and iridescent, nest again this year high and deep in our tall spruce.
The teacher tells the third grade the order of the seasons cannot be changed. Summer, fall, winter, spring arrive in order, then start over.
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden
He’s a citizen who has a problem with people walking toward him walking behind him walking next to him
Planned Parenthood surgeons deplored the murder of Cecil the Lion. They wonder how a
I turn on the news to see who won the game last night but first the scores from hot spots in the city. Two people are killed
No, Freddie can’t say he mourned when his father died and his father’s third wife found Freddie’s number and gave him a call to give him the news. His father had been responsible, worke...
Drive around almost any city and you will find the homeless napping on a bench. Folks who drive to church on Sund… often view the homeless as litter
I flew out to see a high school friend. from many years ago. He was poor back then and I was better off.
Were she here with me now, by the waist I would raise her, a chalice of wonder. I’d bellow hosannas and whirl her around,
As the snow swirls around them, an old man in a wheelchair uses sign language to tell another old man standing at the bus stop, “Friend,
Ruth’s at an age where she’s happy to sit in the sun under a patio umbrella and watch a line of ants