Tea in the afternoon with his wife of many years is usually peaceful, Hubert thinks before he makes his announcement. Then he says it. “I’m going upstairs,” Hubert tells Ruth as he hois...
You love your grandson, this blue bundle in your arms. There’s no doubt about that. He has peaches for cheeks and the sky’s in his eyes
A boy, maybe 5, dancing in the candy aisle of a megastore at 6 a.m., a month before Hallowee… is overjoyed by the harvest on every shelf, his caramel skin
Porch light bright all night keeps thieves away but not the moths that dance till dawn
A poor man comes to the door after the storm last winter and asks if he can have something to eat if he shovels the walk. You say forget about the snow.
I was very small the day they bombed Pearl Harbor but I remember my mother dashing around the kitchen saying nothing to me
According to reports certain White House interns past, present and future are asking Americans not to vote for Hillary
On a sunny day in Harvard Yard blonde from Norway weds son of chieftain from Rwanda after
Years ago my wife bought three wall clocks, atomic clocks they’re called. They require no batteries and you don’t plug them in.
Alive just one week, the Luna moth plastered to my screen door under porch light is pale green and beautiful.
Faye gives Fred next door her sister’s number to call in case Faye dies. Faye’s 94 and feels okay. Her sister’s 90 and Fred’s
An incident in youth never meant to happen recorded on a pad to be read another time
You were a little older than three the day your father taught you how to pee, standing up. Your father trumpeted your triumph and your mother laughed in the kit…
Two men tall, one from here and one from there, in raincoats at a bus stop,
Better take his wife to lunch after what he said yesterday. A slip of the tongue. But where to take her? The Chinese buffet?