He’s Brad and he’s captain of the football team. He’s been chosen prom king and has a scholarship to college. Everything’s going well for him
The others, of course, are more ra… but less apt to show it. Whenever I strike, I never romp o… I stand with the wrist that I’ve… from the lady locked in my teeth
In 1958 Elmer’s was the only high school in his county that had been integrated. Basketball was the big sport. People in the little town filled the gym every Tuesday and Friday. They ro...
Black lives matter in different ways to different people in the American rainbow especially bus companies
It started with a smirk she managed to arrest. It returned seconds later in a sneer she pulled back but then it appeared again
I was out of control, spinning on the whirligig of youth, giddy to be caught in what Kerouac called “the whole mad swirl
After two thousand years we still have folks who blame the Jews for killing Christ even though Pilate the Gentile could have
After 50 years Wilma at her class reunion thinks Waldo’s changed with age that he’s nice now, not the snake she wed
The soup kitchen opens an hour late. The rain finally stops and the hungry file in. They’ve had a long wait.
Fred and Martha have always voted the same way since their marriage long ago but not this time and Fred wondered why Martha was voting the other way
A spelunker he was from adolescence on. An outdoorsman with the best equipment exploring caves
In a life with many valleys and a few mountaintops Alvin has met many people he thought were normal and others he thought not.
An hour before dawn the paper is out on the lawn white in the moonlight a trumpet dozing after a long night in a jazz bar
The problem is, Priscilla grew up in a penthouse having parties whil… Biff came of age under a bridge fighting other trolls, he remember… When Pris calls his office and sa…
Someone smart told me yesterday you never really know the meaning of a word until