An old guy on the subway with a lunch bucket tells a young lady with a brief case Bernie hasn’t got a chance.
Ginny didn’t know if it was a large pond or a small lake in the middle of the beautiful park where she had been hired right after high school to help with maintenance of the grounds. No...
First, we place the neck on the bl… and put the basket underneath the head and then make sure the bl… is sharp enough before we ask the… one more time just to be polite:
They laugh at him because he’s weak by their standards but they don’t realize they’ve signed a
He’s a citizen who has a problem with people walking toward him walking behind him walking next to him
For years Willie has saved his mo… investing it in stocks and bonds, waiting to sit in his recliner each quarter with a martini reviewing his profits.
Used to be she’d tell him what to get at the grocery store and he always brought it back. Now she makes a list.
Jim Clowes had a red '53 Ford that looked terrible. The paint on the car was almost all gone, although there were still patches of paint mixed with patches of rust. The clunker was an u...
Red, yellow, brown work well together in a portrait of society. Add black, no problem. But if we remove the red,
Wally and Fred voted in the big election and then went to O’Leary’s Bar for a couple of beers. O’Leary’s is where men who work for the city go after every important election. Chicago ha...
Forty years Leroy was a doorman at a nice hotel in a big city. He was a country boy the day he got the job because he was tall and the uniform fit, the manager s…
I was very small the day they bombed Pearl Harbor but I remember my mother dashing around the kitchen saying nothing to me
What if your parents had never met had never married had never yelled at each other
An hour a day, sometimes more, I chipped away with mallet and chisel on a block of marble
There’s nothing wrong with you. We both know this is true but there’s something wrong with m… and you know what that is. It’s the elephant in the room