They’re starlets Hollywood has yet to discover, two nice young ladies who assemble sandwiches at the Subway Shop Monday through Friday at noon.
Fred prefers a mouse connected by a wire to his keyboard. Walt prefers a mouse that’s portable, able
Granny watches nature in the city from her window after the nurse takes her tray away. She likes to watch the bird feeder grandson Ahmad hung for cardinals,
Some choose not to have children others maybe one or two three seems to be the max now it’s not like when Paul was young and a family might have had six or…
When Homer stubs his toe or bumps his elbow, the pain is always piercing but Homer’s a pious man so swearing isn’t for him.
Even though we’re getting older even rickety in some respects my wife and I remain involved in the joys of life.
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
Dither of blue jays bickering at the feeder. Doves eat well below Donal Mahoney
Dubville used to be a quiet town, not that much was going on. The young would move to the city after high school… The elderly would stay because
If a marriage doesn’t work out you get a divorce and look for someone else. If a poem doesn’t work out you put it in a folder and
Some never hear of him and likely never will— pygmies in Africa, aborigines in Tasmania, the indigenous in South America.
I can’t speak for the women attending this conference on Homeland Security. They’re scholars, too, brought here for their expertise.
Bill hates to go to parties but he loves to go to wakes. One of the advantages of being old, he says, is that there are fewer parties to go to but a lot more wakes. At parties he finds ...
That my parents were Irish immigrants is probably the most significant factor in my writing life. The English expelled my father from Ireland around 1920 at age 18 or so for running gun...
So this Mick on the next stool, who’s as serious as Yeats but looks like Wilde, stares at me, with eyes crossed,