It’s time to stop the killing by order of the courts. Time to stop the injections
Far from the city way out in the country a hot afternoon in high summer as we drive down a bumpy road bouncing one mail box past
He lives at the edge of a forest and loves all the different trees. He comes to the city for food and basic necessities. He hates the long drive
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus told his disciples.
Willie has mixed emotions about homeless Syrians coming to America but his wife Millie says we should take them in.
He was predictable all those years going home after work doing odd jobs around the house
It was an ancient city. All the young people left as soon as they could but the old remained in their mortgaged huts
The blind artist paints life as he wants it to be a tranquil sky a big sun smiling everyone laughing.
Jesus, can we talk? Some folks say you’re coming back any day now but many of them have been saying that for years. They say it could happen tomorrow, or maybe next week, and they’ve al...
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
She lives by a lake. After a heavy snow she looks out the window and sees black swans in a long, straight line
In America we say we get the government we deserve. That’s been true for the past eight years.
A tragedy happened to Willie and Millie after years of marriage… All their kids were doing well and had nice families of their own but tragedy struck one dawn before
Old Yoshiko in Tokyo can’t sleep because her husband snores so she sits in her kimono and eats a few rice cakes with a few sips of saké.
When the president speaks from the podium and mentions the 20 children shot to death at Sandy Hook by a lunatic with a rifle,