I love my wife and so I licked it lovingly at the very tip the ice cream cone she got me when I’d
Many decades ago when I was a kid we always expected rain at 3 p.m. on Good Friday said to be the hour
The guillotine dropped between you and a friend over coffee and small talk. The first time it dropped it was someone who said
Newlyweds cuddle on a bench in their garden. A hummingbird pauses then enters a lily. They make love in public.
Bill’s been seeing a therapist for years trying to get his life on track but all he talks about is his many regrets in a life
Seeing is believing smart people often tell me but no one ever told me believing is seeing
A group of older men gather once a week to talk about life after a heart attack. Old Len chews tobacco still and tells jokes in a voice so low
Some say none. Others say one. Some say three in one and then say one of the three
Ten years later he still mourns the death of his friend, Bill, such a smart man he could talk to
We’re twins. We’ve been together from the start. You’re the doctor. You know that.
Spider in the sink this early autumn morning swirls in a whirlpool Donal Mahoney
She’s a snake charmer but doesn’t know it. That’s why the cobra married her and has lived so many years in its basket.
Walking very slowly, ancient Wall… right behind his ancient Molly who… stepping down the garden path, her first time out in weeks, wobbly still on her new knee.
There’s nothing wrong with you. We both know this is true but there’s something wrong with m… and you know what that is. It’s the elephant in the room
I learned a murmuration is a flock of starlings whirling and turning in the sky, changing directions in a second, flying back again, blackening