An odd bobcat my father was looked more like a Siamese asleep in his recliner
November’s lovely in the rain, she… from her rocker near the window to no one in particular although the butler’s waiting for her groce… having walked her Pekingese.
A reporter asked Wilbur once if there were any advantages to being deaf and Wilbur used sign language to say not that he could think of
The day Paul got married, his old girlfriend called his hous… just before he and his bride Anne caught the plane for their honeymo… Paul was outside packing the car
Dither of blue jays bickering at the feeder. Doves eat well below Donal Mahoney
In that backyard three small trash cans had their place next to each other against the house.
We have something in common, a fellow I talk to now and then. We’re about the same age and perhaps the only ones in the diner who think our past lives are interesting. So when the two o...
The man in the ER, sutured and bandaged, told the nurse there wasn’t anyone she could call to give him a lift home.
I’m not saying my father hated the English, God forbid. If he were still alive, he’d hate to hear me say that. He’d correct me right away and say he didn’t hate the English. Truth be to...
You’re standing on a window ledge on the 50th floor of your building… It’s Valentine’s Day in Manhatta… clouds cruising, sun everywhere, a nice breeze tossing your hair,
Harry and Grace had a carousel of marriage while it lasted. There were arguments galore and children by the score or so the neighbors thought
A drunk on the subway tells another drunk something a bartender told him. He says if the rich guy wins, it will be the first time
Old Sol hires young Abdul, a refugee, to cut his grass and we… Saul tells his neighbor Old Paddy young Abdul does a good job and has a wife and three kids
If you live in North Dakota it’s hard to get all hot about global warming in the winter while you watch the snow clog your wipers and you
Sixty years ago, the two of us rode tricycles up a little hill behind our school. Nothing stopped us till