Noon meal at the nursing home and everyone is there chowing down and talking. Before dessert is served there’s an announcement to be made
Before dawn Bill stoops under crimson leaves of the low-hanging Japanese Maple
You see things at the rest home you don’t expect to see. New veteran in his Korea cap is whipping everyone else in pool. He never has to bend over
A bright winter day and not a leaf left on this skeleton tree teeming with sparrows
At a school reunion festive and grand a young teacher makes a point with a retired teacher
Puerto Rican girl thin, thin, let street lights pour bourbon on your hair, anise on your skin.
Sarah makes sandwiches all day, piling meat and trimmings high on pillowy bread she spreads apart before her customers’ eyes. Hardworking men love her sandwiche…
Bella takes two big pills every morning followed by one each of another three.
With a smile, the POTUS tangoes in Argentina while in Belgium and the rest of the World people try not to cry.
Another day at the zoo and Wally’s new job was to feed the ap… Old Stanley had fed the apes for 40 years and loved the job but told Wally he was retiring.
According to reports certain White House interns past, present and future are asking Americans not to vote for Hillary
Ten years ago, when they were tykes just in their 70s, Melvin used to tell Emma eat your Wheaties
I flew out to see a high school friend. from many years ago. He was poor back then and I was better off.
The soup kitchen opens an hour late. The rain finally stops and the hungry file in. They’ve had a long wait.
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having