Great Dane out walking day after the funeral small widow next door Donal Mahoney
Her corded belt python tight around a tiny waist makes her blooms bigger brighter as they unfold
Couples age and a sign of age is w… the husband hires someone to shove… and the wife hires a cleaning lady… Sometimes the wife doesn’t like th… and the husband doesn’t like the c…
A clerk in a health food store became upset when I said I didn’t see anything I wanted since I wasn’t a vegan or vegetarian and liked my
In St. Louis young blacks carry guns like cell phones and use them often to shoot each other, as we read in the daily paper
I can’t speak for other men but as I grow older I have found listening to my wife makes life easier. So when she said we should move to a retirement community while we’re still in reaso...
You start by throwing things out packing things that will fit in a smaller place, selling stuff that won’t, ignoring the birds because the seed’s run out
Underneath the feeder black juncos write hieroglyphics in the snow. Two cardinals arrive In a flash of red. They add
Decades ago a small college out in the boondocks put Ambrose, a freshman, on a Greyhound Bus to attend a student convention in New York.
Blooming for one day a lily welcomes the sun. Bumblebees drop in. Donal Mahoney
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
Spring will eventually arrive, Tom tells his youngest daughter looking out the window at the snow… Take heart, he tells her, and listen for the blue jays when
Some things can’t be fixed any other way says Bill in his bedroom on the third floor hoping to get some sleep
Like that broad in an apricot bra hanging over the sill of her tenement window, the sun is over me now, its nectar laughing and falling.
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog