Being out of work during the holidays is twice as bad and twice that’s happened now to Wally Ballew
Every day the same play. The moment I rise, the first act begins, the same plot
You thought you knew her. She thought she knew you. Neither was true but this happens at times at Happy Hour on Fridays
She walks the rack of bright frock… as her husband, an Angus aging, paws at the carpet behind her. She wants the right dress to make verdant again the hills
In the glow of the porch light one moth a final fandango nowhere to go
This morning I woke up early feelin’ good, feelin’ the way I felt 50 years ago, no aches, no pains, can’t wait to shower, hop on the El, go back to work,
The editor of the school paper came at the appointed hour and found the old poet in his backyard alert in a lawn chair with a
Inseparable they are, landing one after another on the ground under the bird feeder two mourning doves
Melanie was waiting for the light… at 12th and Broadway when a large… a big truck and 10 gallon hat roar… right beside her. His truck cab lo… above her old Buick. His stereo b…
The old priest who won’t retire despite his bishop’s hints rides his bike around the parish every day for exercise. He waves and smiles at everyone
Sam’s collected knives for 50 year… and has 200, maybe more, relics from the Civil War and before. Someone gave him his first knife when he was 30 as a gift but
Where will the lovely lady go on her diurnal walk? One child in 30 years she bore, now they do not talk. Supple, firm, her lithe legs are,
If I knew I’d live forever I’d never send a poem out. No poem ever comes with ten fingers and ten toes so I’d keep revising, add
“One stall for all” is a new scenario for Wilbur. Thanks to his wife, he knew in the past the right thing to do but now he doesn’t know what
If you’ve seen a cockatoo up close in a cage or at a zoo you may have noticed how a cockatoo looks at you.