a haiku
After World War II before television, before women had tattoos before men wore earrings, I was a child in a world
Roscoe and two cousins rented a va… and drove to Mississippi for the f… of another cousin they grew up wit… It took six hours to get where three old men didn’t want to go
On a clear day in the day room he will tell anyone he has had an askew life. When he was a small boy out for a Sunday walk
Even as a child Charles couldn’t forgive other chi… not for something they had done but rather for who they were. They were inferior and couldn’t he…
It’s not the same as seeing the po… in Bangladesh on PBS and hearing Gwen or Judy tell us about them b… the poor in Bangladesh scream in s… brown and gaunt and hollow-eyed.
Like the poor the sparrows we will always have with us, my neighbor lady tells me as she feeds the birds
His cardiologist says Fred’s doing well for a man of 80. It won’t be his heart that kills him.
I lived in the attic back then, and late those evenings I had to s… and couldn’t afford to go drinking I’d run down to the deli and buy bagels and smoked lox.
Things reach a certain age, an age at which things don’t work the way they once did. The battery in your car,
My wife likes to garden. She’s crazy about roses, lilies and daisies. She says I should get out in the garden and weed.
Covey of nuns without benefit of wimple graciously attired sport coat, turtleneck, skirt scurry through the airport
Melanie was waiting for the light… at 12th and Broadway when a large… a big truck and 10 gallon hat roar… right beside her. His truck cab lo… above her old Buick. His stereo b…
Sometimes she sits there and listens to him. Sometimes he sits there and listens to her. Sometimes they know
Two men tall, one from here and one from there, in raincoats at a bus stop,
Woman in a window brushing long hair madly screams at a little boy down in the street licking an ice cream cone