after Baghdad
Another day at the zoo and Wally’s new job was to feed the ap… Old Stanley had fed the apes for 40 years and loved the job but told Wally he was retiring.
“We had the other ones done there,… “Why not go there again? Everythi… No complications. Who cares about… Bunch of do-gooders with hidden ca… “I don’t care about the publicity,…
If a marriage doesn’t work out you get a divorce and look for someone else. If a poem doesn’t work out you put it in a folder and
Next to me on the train going home to the suburbs is another guy stuck in a suit reading his paper, a normal-looking guy
He asked and so I told him. The “cancer” poems stem from cancer in the family. Daughter’s terminal. Son’s a five-year survivor.
Sheep are by a goat while cattle are like swine, prodded, ye… cattle go by hammer while swine are by the hind leg hung then swung about to spigot.
It started with a smirk she managed to arrest. It returned seconds later in a sneer she pulled back but then it appeared again
Pistols in holsters very early this morning. She’s wearing a bra Donal Mahoney
Many years ago Miriam’s parents took the kids for the weekend while she and Jack motored north to fish for trout in Montana at Miriam’s request.
Sometimes she sits there and listens to him. Sometimes he sits there and listens to her. Sometimes they know
Some choose not to have children others maybe one or two three seems to be the max now it’s not like when Paul was young and a family might have had six or…
Linda’s an animal person who puts her money where her mouth is, owns a ranch outside the city and takes in kittens, puppies, birds that
In the fourth grade too many moons ago a reassuring teacher looked over my shoulder and said not to worry about
Paul was at the office when the first atomic bomb fell and when Muntz TVs replaced console radios and the first man landed on the mo… He saw the first big computers tru…
Fred’s a reasonable man something he takes pride in. Just the other night before he threw a dish against the wall while