If the greatest of these is charit… then tell me again why it’s gauche if this young man in a booth at a bar
I no longer put things back where they belong. I can’t remember where they came from never mind where
He doesn’t understand distressed j… Designer jeans with rents and tear… look like the rags he grew up in wearing other people’s discards. His mother got his jeans from a ch…
Some say none. Others say one. Some say three in one and then say one of the three
The stench came first, the young man remembers. It was as if someone had grabbed him by the ankles, turned him upside down
“One stall for all” is a new scenario for Wilbur. Thanks to his wife, he knew in the past the right thing to do but now he doesn’t know what
Herb’s wife says the grass needs cutting and Herb agrees. She says the neighbors are upset he hasn’t cut it for the last five weeks.
The scruffy old man and his white poodle on a long red leash were neighborhood icons years ago down at the corner
A poor man comes to the door after the storm last winter and asks if he can have something to eat if he shovels the walk. You say forget about the snow.
I tell you it’s not easy being a cat in Colorado especially on this farm where I stopped on my way to California.
Fred prefers a mouse connected by a wire to his keyboard. Walt prefers a mouse that’s portable, able
Because he works in an office and… and because she who tans anyway ha… returned from a week at the Beach, the commuters are certain she’s no… yet they rustle in their seats.
Adolph’s been here since the Fort… So have Benito and Tojo. As soon as they arrived we gave each of them a huge furnace. They shovel coal all day and all n…
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden
He was predictable all those years going home after work doing odd jobs around the house