In my all-boys school sixty years ago there were two boys who were different. All four years they walked to classes together, books
They’ll be coming for us, the old lady told the young man next to her, the two of them sitting on stones under the bridge surrounded by trolls
Old Sam on his deathbed says he’d rewrite his life if he could. He’d do so many things differently… be nice to all his wives if he cou… but luckily they had died before h…
Natural Family Planning has its ups and downs so to speak but it often works quite well. But when the calendar
The old poet has agreed to read his poems in Hanley Hall if a student will push his wheelchair on stage. Agreed. And students must agree not to ask
You would think you would love a man who died for you and for everyone else, even those who will never know that he did.
She speaks the truth as she always has in 40 years of marriage especially when she’s lost in making dinner
Never speak ill of the dead, his father always said, and his father was a pastor who preached from the pulpit. That’s why whenever
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
In the fall we lose an hour in most of the United States when we have to turn our clocks back. This is not the case
I don’t know if I’ll vote for president this year, something I’ve always done since 1960 when I turned old
Thirty years ago, long before ISIS started executing Kurds, Muslims and Christians, I hired a Pakistani Muslim as an art director in Chicago. I was an Irish Catholic editor putting out ...
Some women use perfume and that’s fine. Some don’t and that’s fine too. Over the years
The soup kitchen opens an hour late. The rain finally stops and the hungry file in. They’ve had a long wait.
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.