When Homer stubs his toe or bumps his elbow, the pain is always piercing but Homer’s a pious man so swearing isn’t for him.
Puerto Rican girl thin, thin, let street lights pour bourbon on your hair, anise on your skin.
The weekday Mass at 6 a.m. brings old folks out from bungalows around the church. They move like caterpillars
I can’t speak for other men but as I grow older I have found listening to my wife makes life easier. So when she said we should move to a retirement community while we’re still in reaso...
Planned Parenthood surgeons deplored the murder of Cecil the Lion. They wonder how a
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
Linda’s an animal person who puts her money where her mouth is, owns a ranch outside the city and takes in kittens, puppies, birds that
You have to have regulations in any industry, the hog farmer told the slaughter house CEO visiting his farm that day. Otherwise raising hogs
My parents were far from preachy. They went to church separately and I went to the children’s service
First, we place the neck on the bl… and put the basket underneath the head and then make sure the bl… is sharp enough before we ask the… one more time just to be polite:
Far from the city way out in the country a hot afternoon in high summer as we drive down a bumpy road bouncing one mail box past
Evil without we worry about but not so much evil within, parent to evil without. Evil within, once called sin,
The old priest who won’t retire despite his bishop’s hints rides his bike around the parish every day for exercise. He waves and smiles at everyone
twenty-four houses on the same block everyone inside milling about one lost a job