Melanie cried for hours the day a drunk driver ran over her dog a week after she had an abortion. She loved that dog so much she told her mother she knew
Officer Burks brings Max the Bloodhound into the alley and Max immediately strains at his leash.
Other than death there’s no way to escape them unless you’re a hummingbird
Day and night preachers hawk the Message of the Cross on television. Once a month they pause and beg for money for
Herb’s a middle-age son with a big family and lots of pressure. Too busy to care for Mom and Pop so he drives to Shady Lane to see if he thinks they might like the p…
Fifty years ago Jane got on a plane and flew away without saying good-bye. Her parents took her, I know.
On Sundays Walter gives Pastor J… magazines to read along with comments on his sermons. The pastor loves the magazines but Walter is leaving for another…
For years leprechauns lived under Pop’s fedora. They danced jigs on his head when he wore it and hid in his ears
My wife’s upset because I won’t answer the phone in the middle of the night even though the phone’s on my side of the bed.
They buried Colleen Garrity today a woman 95 few people thought would ever die and what a lovely eulogy her cousin Paddy gave. Paddy must be 80 if a day yet he
The other day I was talking to a neighbor who said he has found a way to help the poor and improve our environment simultaneously. It’s no secret, he said, that we have a dire food shor...
I know this story to be true because I know Ruben and he wouldn’t lie even though Ruben and I have never met. He lives in Alabama in a hollow and I live in St. Louis. But that makes no ...
Midnight in San Francisco. Yoshiko is 93 and she can’t sleep so she sits in her recliner and nibbles on a rice cake,
Underneath the feeder black juncos write hieroglyphics in the snow. Two cardinals arrive In a flash of red. They add
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus told his disciples.