They have a few bucks, the 62 richest billionaires in the… The Big 62 have half as much weal… as the bottom half of the world’s… according to Oxfam International.
This traveling salesman has worn out six vans in 40 years and he hopes to retire soon. Age and illness
A reporter asked Wilbur once if there were any advantages to being deaf and Wilbur used sign language to say not that he could think of
One, a nun, has her transfer in her hand. She’s silently praying. Another, a hooker, has her income in her purse.
If the poor we will always have with us, then the rich we will have with us as well. Our system gives birth to both. Greed is part of man’s nature,
Some folks have a problem with aut… legitimate and otherwise, and I ha… a lifetime festering in that group… An event in youth convinced me tha… big people are no different than l…
I told my wife the other night when she came back to bed my feet were cold so now’s the time for me to tell her not to bury me or burn me
In a yard abandoned this winter when the owner moved grass is growing this spring
When I was in grammar school I knew it was Wednesday when I looked out the window and saw across the street three trash cans at the curb
The older I get the more I realiz… the importance of getting things d… before your mother announces anoth… assignment to roust me from my ham… As you know I’ve never been much
Fred’s not a hunter but Animus is a beast he’d hunt down and kill and mount on his wall if he had a clear shot
Last night my recliner broke. I used the lever to lean back and I went way back, almost heels over head. A shock. I hate going to the recliner store
It’s a disgusting thing but Paddy Gilhooley, who knew better as a child, had begun farting in church very early in life. He started in grammar school, many decades ago, long before the ...
In America we say we get the government we deserve. That’s been true for the past eight years.
I sit here at peace and mind my own business and hope for a butterfly. I never take one out of the air. I paint only the flight of the but…