In America we say we get the government we deserve. That’s been true for the past eight years.
White privilege it’s called and re… I learned its name although I’ve… white as a sheet for decades. Like breathing and eating I take white privilege for granted.
They moved in on Sunday, a bright and sunny day, the first black family on the bloc… They drove up in two U-Hauls and slowly carried furniture
No, Freddie can’t say he mourned when his father died and his father’s third wife found Freddie’s number and gave him a call to give him the news. His father had been responsible, worke...
These are old people retired and driving slowly from small apartments in economy cars getting out on canes
The older I get the more beautiful they are without exception Donal Mahoney
Twin sons in different cities decked out in new suits fly home for the holidays arrive at the airport
Midnight in San Francisco. Yoshiko is 93 and she can’t sleep so she sits in her recliner and nibbles on a rice cake,
The late Justice Scalia, a strict conservative on the Supreme Court, would have voted in favor of prayer
Solid middle class he is always has been always will be until tomorrow on the highway
Dither of blue jays bickering at the feeder. Doves eat well below Donal Mahoney
They have a few bucks, the 62 richest billionaires in the… The Big 62 have half as much weal… as the bottom half of the world’s… according to Oxfam International.
It’s many miles from easy to the e… For some, the end is dawn. For ot… the nightfall of imbroglio because the end depends upon your ticket and every ticket’s punched one-way…
Mae mailed Christmas cards today, fewer again this year because death has made her address book a skeleton. She has a son in Russia
Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman