I don’t know the answer but perhaps the Dalai Lama knows the final resting place of pygmies who live in jungles unexplored and never hear a sermon from
Grandma Gretchen’s in her rocker and she has something to say. She tells a visitor, a young man from the city, if he plans to write a book about life on a farm in the Fifties, he likely...
World War II was over but still fresh in the minds of folks who li… in Bill’s hometown in the Ozarks. Independence Day was important. It called for a celebration.
Red, yellow, brown work well together in a portrait of society. Add black, no problem. But if we remove the red,
“Damn the vernal equinox! Full speed ahead!” is all that Cootie Murphy would ever say when he sat on the last stool at the end of the bar in The Stag & Doe Inn. He wouldn’t say it very ...
The guillotine dropped between you and a friend over coffee and small talk. The first time it dropped it was someone who said
After services on Sunday the old Marlboro man puts his Bible under his arm and talks to his pastor through a hole in his neck.
It’s not Clyde who sleeps in a different doorway every night to avoid the cops and it’s not Wayne who sleeps in the
Walking in the forest as morning comes I hear piccolos of wrens and robins offer hymns to God
Underneath the feeder black juncos write hieroglyphics in the snow. Two cardinals arrive In a flash of red. They add
Willie has mixed emotions about homeless Syrians coming to America but his wife Millie says we should take them in.
You were a little older than three the day your father taught you how to pee, standing up. Your father trumpeted your triumph and your mother laughed in the kit…
You love your grandson, this blue bundle in your arms. There’s no doubt about that. He has peaches for cheeks and the sky’s in his eyes
A gathering of elders from the local rest home is out for a walk after dusk on canes and walkers admiring roses and lilies
I turn the porch light on at 4 a.m… to see if a miracle’s occurred and the paper’s landed somewhere in the snow blanketing our lawn. Instead I see a clump on the mat