One has to be careful campaigning door-to-door. One doesn’t know who’s behind any door. Could be someone
Three times a day a train roars through a field a farm away booming like an Angus bull looking for companionship.
When a young woman like that sails into the conference room, all masts billowing, there’s nothing the men around the table can do
You would think you would love a man who died for you and for everyone else, even those who will never know that he did.
Walt told the cops later his moods come and go like crows on the high wire above his art studio. They land in a swoop,
In St. Louis young blacks carry guns like cell phones and use them often to shoot each other, as we read in the daily paper
Heaven’s Sake or maybe Hell No. Even if we weigh a ton our body’s not a problem
Solid middle class he is always has been always will be until tomorrow on the highway
The kitchens of Auschwitz are belching again. Ancient chefs, puffed hats askew, storm once more
I came back to You late and still don’t understand why the Father asked You to die for me and everyone else. I learned the Ten Commandments
Beautiful lady in the checkout lan… is spotted by Roscoe, a wealthy ma… wandering in Walmart. He admires her chocolate hair, bonbon eyes, vanilla creme complexion, a walk
What we are not who we are matters to the world. Who we are not what we are
Find the book and blow the dust off. It’s somewhere in the house.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus told his disciples.
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having