Herb’s a middle-age son with a big family and lots of pressure. Too busy to care for Mom and Pop so he drives to Shady Lane to see if he thinks they might like the p…
These are old people retired and driving slowly from small apartments in economy cars getting out on canes
On weekday mornings on a quiet corner three moms with small sons and daughters wait for a school bus
Phone rings. Wilbur answers it. “This is Grace. Is Thelma there?… “No,” says Wilbur. “She’s out won… “You mean wandering about?” ‘No, she used to wander about. No…
It boils down to this. There are two kinds of people in Upper Slobovia at the moment, those who prefer hard-boiled eggs chopped in their potato salad
Sarah makes sandwiches all day, piling meat and trimmings high on pillowy bread she spreads apart before her customers’ eyes. Hardworking men love her sandwiche…
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having
Some day soon Wall Street giants will walk on their hands never sit or sleep. They will eat
He likes people if they are useful. Women are useful. Employees are useful. Voters are useful.
You have to have regulations in any industry, the hog farmer told the slaughter house CEO visiting his farm that day. Otherwise raising hogs
I’m amazed at the difference between my friend and me. His response to life is so different from mine. I live deep in the city
There’s a football field between u… I’m in one of the end zones bellow… and you’re in the other one bawlin… the cliffs of your cheekbones streaked with mascara.
Third day on her honeymoon Sharon asks Butch what it’s like for a man before he gets married. A bricklayer by trade, and a man of few words,
The last visitor before I sleep is always the old priest puffing up the stairs to my door, a wine cask under each arm, a loaf of pumpernickel in his teet…
Before dawn Bill stoops under crimson leaves of the low-hanging Japanese Maple