Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
Through the nursery glass Carlos Montero peeks at Consuela, his twelfth, in the arms of a nurs… Pink as a peony with brilliant black hair,
I have to hope America can trust and welcome them especially parents hiding children
Walter Branham, a retired teacher, and his wife Victoria went to Applebee’s, the chain restaurant, for lunch one day last week. First time they had gone there. Usually they go to an eth...
Another day at the zoo and Wally’s new job was to feed the ap… Old Stanley had fed the apes for 40 years and loved the job but told Wally he was retiring.
Every time the phone rings Bill’s afraid the caller might say another childhood classmate has di… This will hit him hard because Bill knows he’s moseying along
You won’t find poetry anywhere unless you bring some of it with y… said Joseph Joubert, a French writer whose day job was working for Napoleon.
They’ll be coming for us, the old lady told the young man next to her, the two of them sitting on stones under the bridge surrounded by trolls
It’s midnight and I’m too tired to stroll in my Wall Street garden to check on the nightlife among the flowers
I met a proper woman in a proper p… on a Monday in Peoria. I was take… she looked like Jackie after Dall… but without the pillbox hat. She was from New York and I was…
Great Dane out walking day after the funeral small widow next door Donal Mahoney
Fuzzy wasn’t my cat although I fed him every morning at four o’clock for 10 years. He was my wife’s cat, loved to sit on her lap, be petted, jump down and rub his head against her feet....
Cold Coffee they call him and only a few people know his real name, this odd fellow who raises pigs off the coast of Ireland and comes to town
When bread is this good a morsel will suffice and when wine
Lightning bolts in childhood can scar the soul forever. They’re a satanic baptism when the minister’s your father, mother, brother, sister,