In a yard abandoned this winter when the owner moved grass is growing this spring
In 1958 Elmer’s was the only high school in his county that had been integrated. Basketball was the big sport. People in the little town filled the gym every Tuesday and Friday. They ro...
A long time ago you bothered him somehow. Since then he has bothered you back. You don’t know how or
Natural Family Planning has its ups and downs so to speak but it often works quite well. But when the calendar
After Wisconsin, we see a Trumpeter Swan swimming in circles Donal Mahoney
Odd fellow who does odd jobs in the neighborhood four seasons of the year has disappeared in high summer and his customers are nervous.
The ones we didn’t abort we’re starting to euthanize so no worries there. It’s the ones in the middle still walking around
Praise for Him coming from us is like the bark of a terrier at the foot of his master
Widow in a rocker pets her calico cat long strokes slowly. With the cat purring and the widow humming
In our tent we hear whippoorwills happy to see dawn dismiss the night Donal Mahoney
After the TV mavens had their say the gnomes crept out of their cave… spoke and returned to their caves. Thunder struck, hell broke loose and the mavens came back on TV
When my neighbor told me over the fence a month ago the doctor said she had two years to live,
“One stall for all” is a new scenario for Wilbur. Thanks to his wife, he knew in the past the right thing to do but now he doesn’t know what
No youngster himself, Fred often… “There are always preludes to hell… For Fred one of those preludes is… the things in life Fred can’t fix.… Another prelude is paying the trad…
Before dawn Bill stoops under crimson leaves of the low-hanging Japanese Maple