Drive around almost any city and you will find the homeless napping on a bench. Folks who drive to church on Sund… often view the homeless as litter
Fred jerks back in his recliner as his wife puts him on the spot and asks his opinion about a dress she bought on sale at a fancy place for a great price…
When Bill goes home to the church of his youth he finds things are different. They don’t sing “Amazing Grace” the way they did when he was
The problem is, Priscilla grew up in a penthouse having parties whil… Biff came of age under a bridge fighting other trolls, he remember… When Pris calls his office and sa…
I turn the porch light on at 4 a.m… to see if a miracle’s occurred and the paper’s landed somewhere in the snow blanketing our lawn. Instead I see a clump on the mat
Harry and Grace had a carousel of marriage while it lasted. There were arguments galore and children by the score or so the neighbors thought
Walking very slowly, ancient Wall… right behind his ancient Molly who… stepping down the garden path, her first time out in weeks, wobbly still on her new knee.
They’ve been here for years two blue jays who live in our yard year round. In winter they’re silent at the feeder but screeching
Julie owns a cat that roams. Recently he’s been stopping at Jack and Brenda’s house where Brenda’s mourning her cat’s death. Brenda cries except when Julie’s…
Our house has a garret I never went up to until I retire… Now I’m up there almost every day unless I have to stay in bed until another spell passes.
In 1958 Elmer’s was the only high school in his county that had been integrated. Basketball was the big sport. People in the little town filled the gym every Tuesday and Friday. They ro...
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
There’s a moral to this story. Police in St. Louis have arrested a teen for felony auto theft. They asked her why she did it. She said the owners didn’t
They never held hands when they were a couple young and newly married as much in love as they were planning a wonderful life.
He often got bored with her hobby… but this weekend he looks forward… hours of cooking shows on televisi… while he talks with her about her… He finally accepts that she is dyi…