Let me be a star and shine in places darkness dwells or let me be a bell and ring in places
More than 30 years ago the Supreme Court in the United States ruled that if individuals are mentally ill but not criminally insane they cannot be confined to asylums. They must be allow...
Only the blind man with his leader dog and tapping cane stops when the homeless man standing near the curb
Solid middle class he is always has been always will be until tomorrow on the highway
It’s Rocky’s Diner but it’s Brenda’s counter, been that way for 10 years. Brenda has her regulars who want the Special of the Day.
Beneath the bowling-alley bar marquee the rain tonight hammers off the concrete.
Your life as explained in your letter recently received is very difficult to read. It’s been 40 years since we last saw each other or talked. Most of your problems I knew nothing about....
Even though we’re getting older even rickety in some respects my wife and I remain involved in the joys of life.
I have an old friend who was told some time ago he had six months to live. We live far apart now and he told me about this in an email shortly after the doctor told him. The six months ...
There’s always something. Like the growth you found under your arm showering this morning but you decided to go
I told my guest it’s just a poem doesn’t mean a thing a salad tossed with colors bright
If I knew I’d live forever I’d never send a poem out. No poem ever comes with ten fingers and ten toes so I’d keep revising, add
A tractor trailer with slats and m… pulls up at a city slaughterhouse. The driver pulls the wrong lever and two thousand pounds of trotting cattle go for an easy
Black lives matter in different ways to different people in the American rainbow especially bus companies
Although it snowed a little Wedne… Jane’s hyacinths are blooming. And in the yard she saw this morni… 50 robins hopping in the sun. Some flew in couples into trees