The priest had been here earlier a… and relatives and friends in singl… “Sorry for your troubles,” one by… bending over Maggie Murphy, silen… a foot or so from Paddy, resplende…
twenty-four houses on the same block everyone inside milling about one lost a job
The problem is, Priscilla grew up in a penthouse having parties whil… Biff came of age under a bridge fighting other trolls, he remember… When Pris calls his office and sa…
After the Inauguration, perhaps he will take his family on vacatio… Hawaii’s an oasis during the winte… But in time he’ll watch for someth… that will challenge his skill set.
He should have married someone, James tells himself at 80 coughing in bed with the flu. He remembers very well that Miranda was a nice girl.
Thunder and lightning at first, as I understand it, and then the moon will split in half and disappear and the stars will go dark
Old Sol hires young Abdul, a refugee, to cut his grass and we… Saul tells his neighbor Old Paddy young Abdul does a good job and has a wife and three kids
She could sing, dance, and act but picking a man was a problem. She didn’t complain or explain just worked hard for the money, an Unsinkable Molly Brown.
After Yeats and Heaney, you wonder when the new one will come galloping out of Dublin or perhaps from yet another farm
We’ve moved my wife and I from home to the last place we’ll ever live and she wants to know why
Years ago they came from many plac… to study writing at a university in the middle of America surrounded by lush corn fields. They worked hard, became friends,
You can learn a lot, both true and false, in a dingy all-night diner where old men gather at a table in back
An old friend lost an old friend the other day. Jim said they were both getting up in years and he just happened to outlast Herman. Jim was black and Herman was white but that had never...
It was her birthday. She was only five the dawn we went out to look at roses in Grandma’s garden
My father never talked much about religion but he went to Mass every Sunday, the 6:30 Mass where few people would be and he wouldn’t have to deal with friends and neighbors. His contrib...