If you write with a quill, ballpoint pen or typewriter, you’re a lucky soul. But if you use a computer and write far better than
Emma used to do real good in schoo… her mother tells her new teacher. It’s Parents Night at Ryland Ele… Mostly mothers in attendance. What’s the problem, her mother ask…
Bill hates to go to parties but he loves to go to wakes. One of the advantages of being old, he says, is that there are fewer parties to go to but a lot more wakes. At parties he finds ...
The average man looks at himself in the mirror 23 times a day, the average woman 16 times a British survey reports. Men look to “admire” themselves,
I told my son now that he’s a father he has to be careful about what he says around his child. No swearing, of course,
You would think you would love a man who died for you and for everyone else, even those who will never know that he did.
He tried so hard to be everybody’s friend, agreed with everything we said. Some of us liked him, others were indifferent,
I know this story to be true because I know Ruben and he wouldn’t lie even though Ruben and I have never met. He lives in Alabama in a hollow and I live in St. Louis. But that makes no ...
His cardiologist says Fred’s doing well for a man of 80. It won’t be his heart that kills him.
Six men were sitting at the table in the Day Room, as they call it, at the Whitehall Rest Home. They were playing poker and they had a newcomer in their midst. It was Bill, a retired fa...
Some emails are more difficult to receive from a child long out of college
The bog above Bob Gordon’s bog is where they found the body of an older man floating like a canoe among the lily pads. He was covered with crustaceans.
I bring a milkshake every other we… to an old man in a nursing home, a refugee from Germany who paid me 50 cents to cut his grass when I w… a kid in Chicago after WWII.
Does he remember? Jenny, how could he forget? Thirty years ago you roared into his office and raged about your cousin’s
I was very small the day they bombed Pearl Harbor but I remember my mother dashing around the kitchen saying nothing to me