A clerk in a health food store became upset when I said I didn’t see anything I wanted since I wasn’t a vegan or vegetarian and liked my
Some things can’t be fixed any other way says Bill in his bedroom on the third floor hoping to get some sleep
Elmo has spent 40 years cutting hair in a little shop in a country town along the Mississippi. Vegetables and meat
We do our best to avoid the Zika Virus. We smack mosquitoes and avoid tanned folks just back from two weeks in the tropics.
They’ve been married 50 years and never a sorry day, Wally likes to say. Melba’s been a great wife but she’s very sick and doctors sa…
Walking very slowly, ancient Wall… right behind his ancient Molly who… stepping down the garden path, her first time out in weeks, wobbly still on her new knee.
It’s midnight in New York and in this tall building Herb and Molly are in bed making love. Molly is a virgin
He tried so hard to be everybody’s friend, agreed with everything we said. Some of us liked him, others were indifferent,
It’s almost time for the Academy… Theaters are showing their best mo… and someone I know wants to go. I used to pay 15 cents to see Roy… in black and white cowboy up on Tr…
No Supper for a Year My wife looks out the kitchen wind… and tells me the starlings are bac… the same big flock as yesterday strolling around our yard
Handsome is as handsome does, Jeanie always said, when Donald was away on business.
Drive around almost any city and you will find the homeless napping on a bench. Folks who drive to church on Sund… often view the homeless as litter
Ruth’s at an age where she’s happy to sit in the sun under a patio umbrella and watch a line of ants
You think he’d be more grateful. Neither rich nor poor he’s never wanted for anything. He’s always had what he needs but never had any gratitude
If they irritate you and so many do you don’t seek them out until you need them and when you’re through