Harry and Grace had a carousel of marriage while it lasted. There were arguments galore and children by the score or so the neighbors thought
It’s a kindergarten soccer team and Jack’s the biggest kid. His father is the coach. The team is undefeated but there’s a problem
Not a leaf left on the crabapple t… instead little red apples hang like ornaments on a Christmas tree… Little red apples that spend most of the winter covered with sn…
Paddy Dineen enjoyed good health till his heart gave out while filling his cart in a health food store.
Happened 40 years ago senior year of college they were engaged to marry in June till he dropped her off
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
Being poor on our patch of land was better than being poor all the years I’ve lived in the ci… We had a couple of cows, a rooster and seven hens.
He was predictable all those years going home after work doing odd jobs around the house
She’s been a widow a year now and at times she still misses him when she drives past the steak house where he
Take it from Martin, if you live in an old house, as much as you love it, bad things happen Despite maintenance,
In England they call it moving house packing everything going someplace else bigger better
Deep in the city where the poor wait for the Second Coming suicide is uncommon. No one leaps off skyscrapers
Phil doesn’t go to church but after midnight he enjoys watching preachers on TV swing their bibles in the air, march across the stage, yell
Gram tells Stella on the phone her neighborhood is full of old fo… She hasn’t seen Stella in 60 year… and won’t see her again because of the canyon of miles between the…
It’s not Clyde who sleeps in a different doorway every night to avoid the cops and it’s not Wayne who sleeps in the