Heaven’s Sake or maybe Hell No. Even if we weigh a ton our body’s not a problem
Spread 'Em for Anyone Edna had always had trouble with men. It started in high school when Ed… big for her age, hosted the soccer… one by one, provided they won.
Holiday Parties Millie comes home bawling from another holiday party and Willie asks what’s the problem. Millie says her friends are cheese…
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
Eight blondes with brown eyes nod at working men nearby. Sunflowers rule the sky. Donal Mahoney
I don’t see her often since she died but when I do it’s eerie over there at dawn or dusk.
Simply because anchors have little to say means they’ll keep saying it till others believe. This is America.
Happened 40 years ago senior year of college they were engaged to marry in June till he dropped her off
He’s Brad and he’s captain of the football team. He’s been chosen prom king and has a scholarship to college. Everything’s going well for him
No one goes to the patio now except at night when Ann goes out to spread old bread and sunflower seed on the small table for birds
During the day there might be three cars parked at different places anywhere on the block. But at midnight there isn’t
Smitty isn’t Schulte. He doesn’t drive a Cadillac and doesn’t hit his wife often any more. Schulte, on the other hand,
We write the stories of our lives between the bookends of birth and death They stay on the shelf
We’re upset when vandals desecrate a cemetery and disrespect the dead not so much when doctors vandalize the womb
After Saturday tennis I came home took a nap and woke up dizzy had trouble walking. My balance was off so I went to bed and slept 20 hours