No, Freddie can’t say he mourned when his father died and his father’s third wife found Freddie’s number and gave him a call to give him the news. His father had been responsible, worke...
This morning Len sections his bre… with the knife he bought in Paris… on his honeymoon. He bought it fro… at a street market selling every k… beautiful creations he said he mad…
Jim Daley and Joe McCarthy had something in common. They died at 80 going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Walt O’Brien, their protege, found this out when he called the home...
If you’ve seen a cockatoo up close in a cage or at a zoo you may have noticed how a cockatoo looks at you.
Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
After 30 years together, Carol tells me late one evening in the manner of a quiet wife that I have yet to write a poem about her, something she
America has had presidents who will be remembered as much for what they said as for what they did. Americans will never forget
These are old people retired and driving slowly from small apartments in economy cars getting out on canes
Melanie was waiting for the light… at 12th and Broadway when a large… a big truck and 10 gallon hat roar… right beside her. His truck cab lo… above her old Buick. His stereo b…
Joe went to the mall yesterday and found a big tent pitched at the head of the drive. Someone selling fireworks. The sign said discounts
From my stool in the diner I watc… the old woman with elm tree arms command the big booth in back and roar for a menu, take a half hour to read it
It’s a very busy drug store with seats along the wall where folks who wait for refills sit and sometimes chat but as I discover you can
When Bernie wakes at 6 a.m. there’s a piano on his chest and Erroll Garner’s playing “Mist… Sinatra’s on the headboard improvising lyrics
Tattoos were anathema in ‘52 on any man who got one after an all-night drunk or to impress a girlfriend. But not a word was spoken to
Paul’s in his backyard on a Sunday afternoon barbecuing burgers. His wife and kids are hungry in the house.