every drum in the world pales to the bang the crash the beat of her
time is one my side but what time is it? is it Killing Time?
drink from the dream cup welcome those ghosts of morning don’t fade out, sleep in
when it is most impossible to be there for yourself
visceral were the nights we stood… each of us armed with an instrumen… and hearts that beat like tempos we put on a show but we weren’t put-ons
when governments fall the power goes out and civilization is in the shamble… of its own undoing Uncle Dan has plenty of survival…
altar of vodka haloed cocktail, angel blood she prays 80 proof
dying to stay in tune they rattle eagerly to play one last song
there will plenty of time to be si… when the abyss avalanches down upo… burying you deep into eternal abse… so raise your voice while you stil… because even if you can’t yell tom…
i wanted to vote but looking at the ballot i wondered “for what?”
this dinosaur has shared so much o… pain worry and confusion the idleness of evolution
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul
the Buk used to write about the va… hanging around the downtown Los A… looking around the library here on 8th & Rio Grande i think
it’s been so long without a touch lips pressed deeply against mine fingers brushing through my beard… i have reclaimed my virginity bumbling and nervous in the presen…
i thought that god was playing hide and go seek with me but it was just