in one kiss four lips translate all the languages of the world into a story none of us understand
you lose your breath when the fist hits your gut you lose your mind when you love a woman you lose your keys
there was a mouse that dreamed of being a wolf every feral feline throughout the… would quiver at the mention of him his mere howl at the moon
she heard him crying before the knock at the door two cops with bad news
we fly down the highway looking for the next bar open on C… we each do a line and head on in flirt with lonely girls and take bumps in the bathroom
i walk as a storm two bolts of lightning in socks shoes laced with thunder
an illness so cold he sees flames as medicine and treats his disease
as her eyes broke open most of it washed away in a dry wave of consciousness there were a few drops left near the corners of her botto…
bills soaring like birds costs of living get higher income, falls from nest
time reduced to ash all the clocks were made of fire burning each second
as summer wanes a chill comes about the air darkness replaces sunlight and the leaf loses it’s grasp upon… it cannot be blamed for its fall
if significant to one and not to another maxims adages cliches
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
after a day surrounded by philisti… a not yet broken poet takes refuge in the familiar peace of desolatio… echoing quietly through two small… years ago this song came to him
if the fairy spreads her thighs for the goblins finger the happy ending never comes even if she does