voices spread through the room like butterflies or wildfires inspiring some to try a new way of thinking
as summer wanes a chill comes about the air darkness replaces sunlight and the leaf loses it’s grasp upon… it cannot be blamed for its fall
he lights one last flame home is where the burning is bed of devil’s rest
we all trip over our own comfort and wherever we land is the lie we build a home on whatever love is we only do it when we have to
i can smell a clue about as well as a rock and if you’re waiting for me under a rock
dehydrated my heart became small hardened by the air of hopelessnes… with a little time and some water it has grown and changed
the friction ridges on his fingers are different than most where there are usually arches there are the shapes of broken hea… and laughing faces
time is one my side but what time is it? is it Killing Time?
word traveled fast about the man with the crying ears sad with silence an absence of music left an absence in him
dying of cancer saying her prayers they came to bathe her she asked if would hold her Rosary… “of course”
we can wear the morning air like a jacket and move deep into those bright
i was born in a basket of apples out of place from the start always berated by questions like “where is your stem?” “why are you so round?”
i knew i should not have unwrapped… but my will is weak at the beckon… so i took off your dress and let y… a bursting fruit flavor supplement… made everything else go away
it’s okay if you want to stay insi… listen to a Bon Iver song on repe… eat too much ice cream and think about all the girls that got away
notebooks have been stacked in pre… filled with short stories bad drawings and of course