incredible love making will turn wolves into pups bears, cubs again and icy hearts melt to a puddle
so close to travels rocks along the railroad tracks never board the train
it misses the way we use to sit and breathe together inhaling and exhaling
right at that age where she is lea… like a cynical fox taking guarded… in the forest still looks for someone she doesn’… but knows it is because she believ…
his grin covered in melted chocola… his hands covered in blood and no one to stop him thieves are not running scared they are running the show
when governments fall the power goes out and civilization is in the shamble… of its own undoing Uncle Dan has plenty of survival…
that moment right after you’ve finished readin… when the mind gets to digest and what Jeffers referred to as “The honey of peace”
voices spread through the room like butterflies or wildfires inspiring some to try a new way of thinking
the fast foot of gloom quick through labyrinths of joy always catches up
when it is most impossible to be there for yourself
everyone’s eyes are filled with what could have been some girls are alone others accompanied by lovers all waiting for their names to be…
to the deepest thirst a drop of water looks like a rains… over a rushing river lips moisten with hope and the heart drowns with sheer re…
quick to lock ourselves in a prison cell of arrogance incarcerated by our own egos freedom can not happen until we reach through the bars
i am my own ghost i am haunted
heaven throw me out but i’m keeping the halo you should have no doubt i am ready for limbo so hold me