Women were placed at the flames, accused of witchcraft, and the smoke of murder rose to the heavens. Man’s ignorant spirit bursting up to the gods, as if they didn’t already know how vi...
dressed only in screams showered with water and death life escapes by drain
last seen at the brink of the abys… screaming at god laughing at the devil and smoking loose tobacco dark eyes and burnt skin
altar of vodka haloed cocktail, angel blood she prays 80 proof
for one minute my clock dreamed of infinity forever stood still in a timeless moment hidden from death and deadlines
we all trip over our own comfort and wherever we land is the lie we build a home on whatever love is we only do it when we have to
i don’t believe anything i read unless it’s a poem
every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
a $5 footlong at Subway before a meeting on Thursday Burnin’ For You came on the speak… i wanted to call you
bills soaring like birds costs of living get higher income, falls from nest
it was a particularly long day walking around in the Austin heat with too much on my mind i’d avoided the drink though it seemed to call for me fr…
san francisco lesbian bitch pulls no punches tells you what it is
if you’ve show up to the poetry re… with no poems to read you better worry because you can’t go on stage with… so start looking for an exit
i watch her lips purse around the top end of a cock… sucking up the last drops of a Can… setting the glass arm’s length awa… she lets the bartender see we need…
whenever i roll in to town i see h… forbidden wires circuits exposed and on display electric sin against god with satan clouding my thoughts