i was born in a basket of apples out of place from the start always berated by questions like “where is your stem?” “why are you so round?”
i drag this carriage with a whip at my back slowly leading them to their destinations to their privileges
it was never my intention to clip… i was only trying to take a feathe… so that i would have something to… after you flew away
brief landings never fool me my thoughts are made of tornadoes and I know the mind will never sit… “where the heart is” is the name of a bullshit map
dreams need their distance she learned from burnt fingertips do not touch the stars
Life is a series of tragedies with… But what is good for those who suf… than what is good for those who do… —for Brian Salvador Curley
there she was again in my dreams last night perhaps it is faulty programming a virus or malware but for whatever reason
now when I say “forever” I don’t mean too
let’s say you’re trying to go somewhere who isn’t? but let’s say you never get there
it’s okay if you want to stay insi… listen to a Bon Iver song on repe… eat too much ice cream and think about all the girls that got away
after a day surrounded by philisti… a not yet broken poet takes refuge in the familiar peace of desolatio… echoing quietly through two small… years ago this song came to him
the next one in the holder on the… can barely contain itself one corner is already protruding hoping like hell that when she finishes her burrito
so I am supposed to divulge enough… for someone to make an informed de… and certainly it is understood tha… for a while it’s the decorum of crazy
i thought that god was playing hide and go seek with me but it was just
after nineteen years she thinks of him as a fart something to air out