loading the chamber to kill that which he fears most one round will suffice
i thought that god was playing hide and go seek with me but it was just
when it is most impossible to be there for yourself
youth in his favor with young wome… a whole world ahead of him but the silly son of a bitch doesn… instead of seizing the day he spends his time obsessing over…
there is a man i have never met too often on my thoughts a woman for whose thoughts i have had to c… against other men
it’s there when nothing else is but the radio and a near crippling… it climbs around on the walls and… hissing like a poisonous lizard th… you cut the tips of your fingers a…
i began to tell a grim story of a puppy left alone beneath an overcast sky at first i saw a lost dog sad and without
Fruit Vendors a man with a cart of oranges on th… sells them with acclaim for their… sweet citrus that excites the tong… for a moment of pleasure
slippery bars make it hard to hold… captive against your will always lathered in the sweat of es… you elude any sentence
I like to pretend in alternate uni… where everything is almost the sam… just different in a few spots under another sun the two of us worked
two mountains hanker to reach across the valley always between them
i think about her at least once every day i think about all the different st… that i could take to get to her ho…
I cannot be cast under any moon, upon any soul. If not for her,
i drifted onto your shore a withered vessel the skeleton of a ship torn sails draped over masts like dead bodies
i search each second find words under rocks and rugs looking for poems